Below is a small sample of how we believe the user guide should be laid out.

The Client Portal

Quick Reference & FAQ’s Guide

Register for a new account

You will have the option to log in as an existing user or to “register”.

* Note that the actions are available in two places on this page.

When the Register button is clicked, this is the next screen which consists of two pages. The second page is for verifying the client in our record.

The data registered (date of birth, last four social) must match what we have in our system or you will get an error. There could be a typo in our system or you could have accidently submitted a digit off on the social and the error can easily be fixed by calling our customer service line, verifying the data in our system, then it will allow for a successful registration. Call 1-888-859-3795 if it shows an error based on incorrect data.

Below is an example of an error message if the data doesn’t match.

No Participant matches were found.

Home Screen

Once you have successfully logged into our system, the HOME screen will look like this below. There will be a tool bar of tabs, quick links and description of what you can accomplish within this portal:

If you are an Existing User

If a client is already registered, the individual would log in at either of the two locations titled Existing User on the front welcome page. They will fill in the username and password they created and click Log in. We do not create these for them, nor do we store passwords.

If you are registered but forgot your credentials; click the FORGOT PASSWORD wording on the front screen.

You will be asked to enter either the USERNAME or EMAIL ADDRESS tied to your registration. Once you click the Send Reset Password Link in Green(below), a temporary password will be sent to that email address. You will be able to gain access to the portal and reset the password by clicking the words Manage Portal in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Once Inside the Portal

The tabs along the top tool bar include: Participant, Dependents, Products, Payment Methods and Documents. Below is a walk through what each tab does when clicked.

The Participant Tab

Under the Participant Tab there are three breakout boxes: Demographic, Address and Additional. This is populated with what we have in our system.

When a client edits or changes their address, a service ticket is sent to our Eligibility department. One of our Customer Service reps will contact the client & verify the product is still available in the new state/zip code entered. They will work with you to terminate or choose another option if this product is not sold in this new zip code.

And so on and so forth …